IELTS Listening Actual Test 05




Questions 1 – 10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.



Name: Anna Lumley

Telephone:                        1…………….

Date of arrival:                 2…………….

Address:                            235 3…………… Road, East sea

The total value of insurance: $ 4…………….

Missing items:

– lamps and chairs (not expensive)

– furniture and 5…………….

– a rocking horse, some 6…………. and fruit bowls

Items ordered: – a clock

                            – a 7……………

Damaged items:    – the 8………….. needs to be replaced

                                  – a 9…………… of one of the dining chairs is split

                                  – four 10……….. were broken





Questions 11 – 17

Label the plane below

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or each answers.



Questions 18 – 20

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

18   What kind of food does the restaurant serve every day?

A   seafood

B   barbecue

C   vegetables


19   What is the feature of the Tiki room?

A   It’s best for newly-wed couples.

B   It’s suitable for families with children.

  It’s a good fit for business people.


20   What did the hotel win an award for recently?

A   good service

B   good facilities

C   environmental protection





Questions 21 – 25

Choose the correct letter, Aor C

21   Why did James choose to work in the bakery?

A   Because it’s close to his home.

B   Because it has a good reputation in the subject area.

C   Because it’s a part of a chain.


22   What was James surprised at in his studies?

A   He finds the theoretical courses easy.

B   He can finish the theoretical courses.

C   He finds the theoretical work interesting.


23   How is James’ course assessed in the first term?

A   The marks are given by students to each other.

B   Self-assessment.

C   It is up to the practical experience.


24   Why has Kate enquired about the English language course?

A   She wants to become an artist.

B   It is her first language.

C   She plans to curate in a gallery.


25   What else did Kate need to get before going to the college?

A   starting date of the course

  an offer with scholarships

C   a catalogue of modules



Questions 26-30

What statement applies to each of the following courses?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 26-30.

A   There are a lot of background readings.

B   People stay at the studio where the course is taken.

C   Many outside speakers will give a talk.

D   It’s the most difficult course.

E   Students do their own research.

F   Students need to spend a lot of money on a camera with a good display.

G   Expensive materials need to be bought.

26   History of Art

27   Sculpture

28   Digital Painting

29   Art Theory

30   Photography





Questions 31 – 40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Birds in New Zealand


– The birds often build their nests along the coastline or next to the 31…………….

– In 1984. researchers found that there were 32………….. of this kind of bird left.

– It is difficult to 33…………… the number of birds accurately.

Influencing factors

– Human activities, such as 34……………. and building homes threaten the bird population.

– The birds are influenced by many species which can eat their 35…………….

– Natural disasters like 36…………….. can also reduce the population of the birds.

Ways of protection

– The zoo should hire a 37………….. to keep the birds from being poached

– The organizer could build 38……………. to prevent the public from getting closer.

– People should make more of an effort to protect 39…………….. birds.

– Through the 40………………, people will learn more about bird protection.



Questions 11 – 15

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

11   The reason why David is replacing Jane is that

A   she is unwell.

B   she is very busy.

C   she is inexperienced.


12   According to the speaker, what is the problem for the museum currently?

A   lack of staff

B   lack of publicity

C   lack of money


13   Why were the thieves able to successfully steal the statue?

A   The security device is outdated.

B   The security guard is not well-trained.

C   They knew what they were searching for.


14   In order to improve security, they are going to

A   get more closed-circuit television cameras.

B   hire more security guards.

C   buy more computers.


15   What kind of librarian are they looking for?

A   responsible

B   experienced

C   highly-trained



Questions 16 – 20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 16-20.

City Museum

16   Box Office ………………..

17   Children’s Room ………………..

18   Cafe ………………..

19   Multimedia Room ………………..

20   Showroom ………………..




Questions 21 – 26

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Willows Studies

21   What field is Willows currently focused on?

A   Specialising in one product

B   making a variety of products

C   adding a lot of retial outlet


22   How did the students feel about the software?

A   The professor contacted the company.

B   An article was read in a newspaper

C   A student work their part-time during the vacations.


23   How did the student fell about the software

A   It’s not easy to predict.

B   It’s slow for drawing designs

C   It had a good interface.


24   How did the students find out about the effects of the software on the company?

A   They went to the IT department.

  They talked with the manager.

  They inspected the accounts.


25   The reason why the students have a face-to-face interview alone is that

A   they could prepare for exams.

B   there will be less disturbance.

C   it’s less realistic.


26   How did the two students perform in the exam?

A   very disappointing

B   significantly good

C   above the average



Questions 27 – 28

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

In which TWO ways will the new system affect the company?

  gain more profit

B   employ more new staff

C   increase sales

  reduce production time

E   cut labour costs



Questions 29 and 30

Choose TWO letters, A-E

Which TWO effects will the new system have on new clients?

A   getting more involved in the design

B   obtaining more contacts

C   linking at home to do online work

D   wasting less time

  decreasing labour costs



Questions 31 – 40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

A Survey Research

Results of Questionnaire

• The patients preferred to choose the hospital because of the free 31………. service provided.

• Most patients wished the hospital to be 32…………

• Patients were concerned about prior 33……….. about the hospital treatment.

Actions in the next year

• improvements on website for local 34…………. as well as hospital medical staff

• incentive to motivate the members of staff

• extra 35…………. for staff’s success in work

• considering the opinions of the 36………….

• improving the effectiveness of 37…………. between patients, doctors and staff

• first-come-first-served system


• A new unit would be built for those who are suffering from 38…………. disturbance.

• A new ward would be proposed to those in need of 39…………… surgery.

• The equipment is advanced enough to do with the treatments.

• More effective 40…………. is needed to improve the efficiency of communication.